Which is the world’s largest carnivorous marsupial?

Though only of the size of a small dog, the Tasmanian Devil is the world’s largest carnivorous marsupial. It became the world’s largest carnivorous marsupial in 1936 following the extinction of the thylacine.

The Tasmanian Devil is named after the Australian island of Tasmania; it is endemic to this region. The body of the animal is covered with a coat of coarse brown or black fur which gives it the appearance of a baby bear. It would be wrong to underestimate this animal because of its size. It can run fast, climb trees and can even swim. It also has sharp teeth and strong muscular jaws that can deliver one of the most powerful bites of any mammal.

Though they are good hunters, they sometime feed on carrion as well. Apart from these, they also prey on livestock when near human settlements. Because of this, they were hunted down. Tasmanian Devils sneeze sharply before a fight. Their shrieks can be heard from more than a mile away when they are in a feeding frenzy.

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