Why is the lynx considered as a prominent hunter in the cat family?

A tuft of black hair on the tips of its ears and its short tail makes a lynx distinct from other big cats. A lynx is much larger than a housecat and can weigh up to 38 kilograms. There are so many varieties of lynx including the Eurasian lynx, Canadian lynx, and the Iberian lynx.

Lynx are rarely spotted during the day; they hunt stealthily at night. Their vision is so sharp that they can spot a mouse from as far as 76 metres. The tufts on their ears act as a hearing aid, which is not any poorer than their sense of vision. They are good climbers and swimmers too.

Unlike many other big cats, a lynx does not chase its prey. Instead, it waits for a prey to come by, after hiding behind a bush or a tree. It usually sneaks around its prey and pounces on it while the prey is busy eating.

A lynx either lives alone or in small groups. Populations of lynx are found in the remote northern forests of North America, Europe, and Asia.

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