What do we know about the way cougars hunt?

Cougars have a distinctive manner of hunting larger prey. The cougars catch a large prey, drag it up to 350 metres from the place of capture and bury it under leaves and debris. They return later at night to feed.

Cougars use both stealth and power to hunt animals. They prey on different species of hoofed animals, including moose, elk, white-tailed deer, mule deer, and caribou. They will also eat smaller creatures like squirrels, muskrat, porcupine, beaver, raccoon, striped skunk, coyote, bobcats, rabbits, birds, and even snails and fish.

Cougars are native to the Americas. They are solitary animals and hunt either at night or during the early morning hours. They can run at a speed of 55 kilometres per hour and can leap over a distance of nine metres!

Cougars are known by many names including puma, mountain lion, panther, and catamount. Many of you may be familiar with the famous sports brand, ‘Puma’. A full-grown puma weighs up to 90 kilograms.

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