What is a plant life cycle?

Like all living things, plants start their lives, grow, reproduce, and die. These steps make up a plant’s life cycle.

A seed plant begins when a seed germinates, or sprouts. A tiny root bursts out of the seed’s shell and pushes down into the ground in search of water. A tiny stem pushes up through the soil in search of sunlight. A new plant soon pokes its head above the ground.

The plant grows. Its roots take in water. Its leaves make food. After a time, the plant is fully grown. Small plants may become fully grown in a few weeks or months. A huge tree may take hundreds of years or more.

When a plant is ready to reproduce, it makes flowers or cones. The flowers and cones make pollen and eggs. The pollen and eggs join. Then new seeds form. Some seeds will be eaten by animals. Others will land in a place where they cannot grow. But some seeds will find a spot where the soil, water, and temperature are just right. These seeds will germinate, and the life cycle will begin again.

When a plant grows old, it dies. Its roots, stem, and leaves become part of the soil.

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