How Do Plants Make Seeds?

All seed plants have special seed-making parts. Most seed plants make their seeds inside flowers. The seed-making parts of a flower include long stalks. Some stalks have enlarged tips called anthers. Anthers make a golden dust called pollen. Other stalks have a sticky top called a stigma.

A seed starts to form when pollen from one flower falls onto the stigma of another flower of the same kind. The pollen travels down the stalk until it reaches a tiny egg. The pollen joins with the egg, which then grows into a seed.

Other seed plants make their seeds inside cones. There are two kinds of cones. One is small and delicate. It makes pollen. The other kind of cone is covered with wood scales and makes eggs. A seed starts to form when pollen blows from the delicate cones and lands on the scaly cones. The pollen and the eggs join. The scales close around the developing seeds. When the seeds are ripe, the scales open up again, and the seeds fall from the cones.

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