Why is Draco Lucius Malfoy a significant character in the Potter series?


Draco Lucius Malfoy is a bully who manipulates and hurts people to get what he wants. He is a student of Harry’s year and belongs to the Slytherin House. He is a cunning user of magic, and is often accompanied by two buddies who act as henchmen.

He is described as a tall, slender boy with a pale, pointed face, sleek blond hair, and ice grey eyes.

Draco is a spoiled, rich brat; he believes that his family’s wealth and social position give him the right to bully those poorer than himself, such as Ron. While on the Hogwarts Express for the very first time, Draco Malfoy offers his friendship to Harry Potter. This was because of his father’s belief that Harry was a Dark Wizard. Draco wished to impress him and relay the interesting news home. However, Harry didn’t like Draco’s attitude towards Ron. This creates an enmity that lasts through the rest of their schooling. Draco also insults Hermione Granger’s Muggle-born status by referring to her as a ‘Mudblood’, a term not used in civilised conversations.

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