Do animals communicate with other species?

Most of the time, animals communicate with their own species. This is especially true of mating signals, since animals must be able to communicate with their own species to mate and reproduce. A male elephant seal, for example, will give a loud roar that tells female seals where to come ashore for breeding. Communication within the species is also important in the case of caring for the young. A mother gull must be able to recognize the calls of her own chicks so that she can find them in a thickly populated gull colony, and feed them.But communication also takes place between different species. This is especially true of species living in the same area. Recognizing the warnings given by another species can be very helpful in avoiding danger. In Africa, grazing animals pay close attention to the keen eared zebra. If a zebra suddenly starts running, the other animals know that an enemy is approaching, and will flee too.