Who was the first person to fly a kite?

As long as there’s a steady breeze – and you have a long string – nothing is more fun than a flying a kite.

More than 2,000 years ago, someone in China made the very first kite. According to an old story, Chinese soldiers once attached bamboo pipes to kites. As the kites flew  over the enemy, wind passed through the pipes. This caused a whistling sound. The enemies were scared by the noise and ran away.

Today children everywhere enjoy flying kites! Hang-glider kites let people soar through the air with a kite. People in India use special kites in the sport of kite fighting.

In Korea, kites severe a happy purpose. Children’s wishes for toys are written and tied to kite tails by their mothers. The children fly their kites to tell the gods what they want.

American writer and scientist Benjamin Franklin did a dangerous experiment in which he attached a metal key to a kite string and flew the kite in a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is electricity. (Don’t you do this!)

The Wright brothers (American inventors) used box kites to test their ideas about flight when they were making the first aeroplane.

Scottish-born Alexander Graham Bell made by kites large enough to lift people off the ground.


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