Which are the tag games from different countries?

Tired of the same old games of tag? Get some friends together and try these tag games from different countries.

Moon and Morning Stars

The game Moon and Morning Stars comes from Spain. The Moon stands in the shadow of a building or a large tree. He or she must stay in the shadow because the Moon belongs to the night. The other players – Morning Stars – dance in the sunlight but sometimes venture into the shadows and risk being caught. The first star caught becomes the next Moon.

Bow and Curtsy Tag

Try the game Bow and Curtsy Tag – from Sweden. Players stand in a circle, holding hands. The one who is “It” runs around the outside of the circle at least twice, then touches someone’s shoulder. The two then run around in opposite directions. When they meet, they stop and bow or curtsy three times. Then they race in opposite directions to take the vacant place in the circle. Whoever loses the race is “It” next time.

Mubwabwa (Antelope)

Here’s another fun game called Mubwabwa (Antelope) – from Brazzaville, in the Republic of the Congo. Play this game in the field or on a court with set boundaries. One person is the mubwanwa, or antelope. The mubwabwa tries to catch the others, yelling “Mubwabwa!” Each player who is caught yells “Mubwabwa!” too and helps catch the others. Anyone who goes out of bounds is considered caught. The last person caught is the winner.


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