What is the importance of vegetables?

Brightly coloured plants add crunch to your lunch – and healthy vitamins, too. No wonder parents everywhere say, “Eat your vegetables!”

What vegetables do you munch? That partly depends on where you live and what plants grow there. In Indonesia, many people enjoy asinan, a tasty dish usually made of mustard leaves, bean sprouts, bean paste, radishes, and peanuts. All these planrs thrive in the hot, wet climate. In China, the root of the lotus flower is sliced for salads.

People serve lots of cabbage, carrots, and potatoes in the United Kingdom, where the weather is wet and mild, in sunny Mexico, people eat red peppers, green peppers, and maize.

Beetroot grows well in cool places, and cooks in Poland, Russia, and Scandinavia make a delicious beetroot soup called borscht.

Right now, wonderful vegetables from far away are waiting at your shop. Try a new one today! With so many colourful, crunchy choices, you might want to eat only vegetables.


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