Are you Alex? Sophie? David? Maria? Naomi? Abi?

The English name John is Ivan in Russian, Juan in Spanish, lahaja in Turkish, Johann in German, and Sean in Irish.

The name Mary is Marie, Moira, Miriam, and Maria in different languages.

You’ve worn your name since you were born. How does it fit you? Almost every name has a meaning behind it. What about yours? The name Alfreda means “wise adviser”. Helen means “light”.

The name Thang means “triumph”. Thuy is “gracious”. Abdu is “Servant of Allah Allah is the Muslim name for “God”. Kossi means boy born on Sunday

Henry is “master of a house”. Richard means “harsh king”. Eric means “royal”.

Hannah means “grace”. Wendy is a “wanderer”. George is a “farmer”. Louis is a “great warrior Barbara means “stranger”. Ellen means “bright”.

Look up your name in a book of baby names. You’ll find one at the library. Look up the names of your family and friends. Some meanings may fit, some may seem funny!


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