What are some old forgotten jobs, which have lost their importance in today’s world?

Technology and advancement have brought us so far that there were some jobs which are now obsolete or entirely changed.

Following are some which are old forgotten jobs.

Pre-radar Listener

These were used to detect enemy aircraft.

Pre-Radar listener is one of them. During war times these pre-radar listeners were used to detect the enemy approaches. They had built in a way that could capture sound from some good distances and were used for reporting and surveillance.

Bowling Alley Pinsetter

Workers usually young boys used to work at bowling alleys. Their job was to set up the pins for customers. Really used to be a very busy job.


Workers were required to refuel and extinguish the lamplights. These lamplighters used long sticks to light the lamp and refuel before the bulbs and electric lamps were introduced

Switchboard Operators.

Not long ago, these workers were an essential part of the telephone networks. They used to connect long distance calls by switching pins.


Credit : Quora

Picture Credit : Google