What is female reproduction?

From her teenage years to about her mid-fifties, the role of a woman’s reproductive organs is, combination with a man’s sex cells (sperm), to create a new human life – a baby.

A woman’s main reproductive organs are her ovaries and uterus. The two ovaries are where eggs are stored, then released at regular intervals. If an egg is fertilized by male sperm, the job of the uterus is to nurture and protect the egg as it develops – first into an embryo, then a foetus, which grows into a baby, ready to be born.

The vast majority of the eggs within the ovaries steadily die, until they are depleted at menopause. At birth, there are approximately 1 million to 2 million eggs; by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only about 500 will be ovulated during a woman’s reproductive lifetime. Any remaining eggs gradually die out at menopause.


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