What is in urine test?

Urine can provide valuable clues about health. Dark urine is a sign that a person is dehydrated and needs to drink more. Tests can also detect pregnancy, some infections, hormone changes, and diabetes.

To test urine, a testing strip is dipped into a sample. The coloured bands react to different chemicals in the urine, revealing any abnormalities.

Urine is 94 per cent water. The rest is made up of dissolved substances the body has no use for. They include sodium, which is excess salt, and urea, the waste produced by the liver.

At the microscopic level, your body is constantly working to keep you healthy, even while you sleep. Complex chemical processes take place throughout the body, including the breakdown of proteins known as amino acids. When your body breaks down amino acids, ammonia is left over as waste. That’s not something you want in your body for long—ammonia is toxic to human cells.

Since ammonia is toxic to your body, you need a way to remove it. That happens partly in the liver, where the ammonia is broken down into the less-toxic chemical, urea. Urea then combines with water and gets flushed into your bladder through the kidneys as urine, protecting your body from its own chemical processes.


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