Which is the longest and strongest bone in the human body?

The femur bone is the strongest and longest bone in the body, occupying the space of the lower limb, between the hip and knee joints.

The femur is an integral component of ambulation. A lot of the large thigh muscles arise from and insert on the various parts of the femur. Muscles that originate from the pelvis and insert on the anterior or posterior surface of the femur to facilitate flexion and extension around the hips. Muscles which arise from the femur will cross the knee joint to insert on the proximal tibia promote flexion and extension around the knee. The tables below summarize the thigh muscles and their points of origin or insertion with respect to the femur.

Important features of this bone include the head, medial and lateral condyles, patellar surface, medial and lateral epicondyles, and greater and lesser trochanters. The head is where the bone forms the hip joint with the innominate bone. The condyles are the points of articulation (connection) with the tibia, which is a lower leg bone. The patellar surface is the groove where the bone adjoins with the patella, or kneecap. The epicondyles and trochanters are all important attachment sites for various muscles.


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