What is the career in Vlogging?

What is Vlogging?

A vlog is basically a video blog- a blog that consists of videos rather than write-ups. Vlogs can be made on a wide array of topics from exotic travels to everyday life. The videos are uploaded on streaming channels in the form of episodes.

How it works

Vloggers regularly post content in the form of videos and earn followers. If they get a substantial number of followers, they are offered ads and sponsorships. Many brands also approach them for promotions and product placement. From do-it-yourself videos on make-up and cooking to travel diaries and online tutorials, people are open to all sorts of content. So choose a topic and go live.

What are the prospects?

Previously, it was thought that a person making content for an online medium such as YouTube may not get any financial benefit out of it. But that’s not the case anymore. To begin with, vlogging requires minimal monetary investment as there are gadgets in different price ranges, and thanks to the internet, posting content online is free. And if your videos go viral, you will be paid for ads and sponsorships. For instance, you can enable your YouTube channel for monetisation and connect it to an AdSense account. The revenue depends on your content and country- for instance, they maybe higher in the U.S. but comparatively lower in India. Once you have dedicated followers, brands may even invite you for their events and promotions.

Required skills

  • Creativity and the ability to come up with interesting content.
  • Shooting skills: Unlike professional filmmaking, vlogging doesn’t require expert camera work. Vloggers usually shoot on hand-held devices- such as mobile phones or action cameras. All you need to do is ensure that you get the sound and lighting right.
  • Editing skills: Videos and short films are usually edited using online editors that can be downloaded free of cost from the Internet. Several websites and online tutorials can teach you to use these software and apps.
  • Camera presence and a charismatic personality.

What to study?

  • Notabilis, Sociatrix Humanus and Maxime (NSHM) Knowledge Campus, Kolkata: B.Sc and M.Sc in Film and Television (includes digital short film making, videography, camera handling, scriptwriting and the basics of directing.)
  • Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Pune: Postgraduate diploma courses in Digital Film Production.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Ensure your content doesn’t violate copyrights.
  • Integrate your channel with other social media and tag social media stars.
  • Choose paid sponsorships carefully.
  • Don’t overspend on equipment.


Picture Credit : Google