Which kind of work people do in ancient time?

People have always had to work. Ancient people hunted animals and gathered plants. Some people fished. Later, they learned to farm. They made their own clothes, tools, and furniture. They swapped some of the things they made, grew, or caught for other things they needed. This is called bartering. Then people began to use money. Some people paid others to work for them. Workers used that money to buy what they needed, instead of making those necessities for themselves.

In some places in the world today, people still live as the ancient peoples did. They hunt, fish, or farm in small groups near their homes, and they make everything they need for everyday life.

In other places, people who farm or fish sell much of what they grow or catch. Some people make things for other people to buy. They are craftworkers and factory workers. Some people work as teachers, scientists, nurses, and doctors.

Year after year, people learn, discover, and invent things. As they do this, they find different kinds of work to do.


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