How people of different continents are connected to each other?

The seven continents are far apart from each other, but they are all part of the earth. No matter how far apart the continents are, the people who live on them are connected because they have the same needs. In addition to needing food, clothing, and a place to live, they all need to learn, to communicate, and to plan for the future.

Years ago, people knew very little about the continents. The only way they could learn about them was by travelling on ships. Today, TV’s and computers send information around the world with the flick of a switch or the click of a mouse. People watching TV in Australia can see a person rafting down the Amazon River in South America. A scientist in North America can send an instant message to a scientist in Antarctica by computer.

Yes, the continents are very far apart. But transport and technology have brought the people who live on them much closer together.


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