What can I do with kitchen and garden waste?

Vegetable peelings, tea leaves and grass cuttings are ‘green’ waste. If you pile them into a heap in the garden, they will rot down to make compost.

Why is compost good for the environment?

Compost is food for the soil. It contains nutrients (foods) which keep soil healthy. Using home-made compost means less peat compost is dug up from natural places, and animals’ homes are saved.

Is it true? Leaves make good compost.

Yes. Leaves rot down slowly to become leaf mould. Put them in a black bag or an open-topped wire cage. After two years you’ll have compost.

Are there other ways of recycling green waste?

You don’t need a garden to recycle green waste! You can make small amounts of compost and plant food inside a wormery — a container where a colony of worms live. Worm bins can be kept inside or outside.

Amazing! Green waste in a rubbish tip makes dangerous methane gas, and liquid that can pollute water and kill wildlife. It’s safer to make it into compost.

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