How much rubbish do people make?

Too much! People make rubbish and every household makes lots of it every day. In Britain, every family makes about 1.75 kilograms of rubbish each day. Over one year that adds up to more than half a tonne of rubbish!

Is it true? Some rubbish is dumped at sea.

Yes. Every day thousands of tonnes of rubbish are thrown into the sea. The seabed is littered with rubbish, such as bits of plastic that never rot away.

What happens to all this rubbish?

Because so much rubbish is made, it’s a problem to deal with it all. Some is burned inside furnaces. A lot is buried on the land. Some rubbish is collected and sent for recycling.

Amazing! The world’s rubbish mountain grows by about 2 million tonnes every day.

What can I do to make less rubbish?

Put the three R’s into practice: Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle. Reduce means use less of something. Reuse means use something again. Recycle is to save something so it can be made into a new thing.

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