Why are deserts dry?

Deserts are the driest places on Earth. In some deserts it doesn’t rain for years at a time. In others, it never rains at all. Some deserts are also scorching hot. In the daytime, the sand’s hot enough to fry an egg on.

Can sand dunes move?

Strong winds blowing across the desert pile the sand up into giant heaps, or dunes. The biggest stand 200 metres tall. The dunes creep forward every year and can bury whole desert villages.

Amazing! The Sahara Desert is the biggest, sandiest desert in the world. It covers about a third of Africa.

Are all deserts sandy?

No, they’re not. Only about a quarter of all deserts are sandy. Most deserts are rocky or covered in gravel and stones. Some deserts have high mountains or strange-shaped rocks towering up from the ground.

Is it true? Mushrooms grow in the desert.

Yes. Well mushroom-shaped rocks. They’re carved into shape by sand blown by the wind, like a giant piece of sandpaper.

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