When did life first appear on land?

About 440 million years ago, the first life appeared on land. It was simple plant life, similar to today’s mosses. Then, about 400 million years ago, the first land animals -worms, spiders, scorpions and insects – evolved as they moved on to the land.

Is it true? There are no amphibians alive today.

No. There are many different amphibians in the world today. Frogs, toads and salamanders are all amphibians.

Why did some fish grow legs?

Some fish began to live in shallow water. It was difficult to swim in the shallows. To help these fish move around they grew short legs. Some of them also grew lungs, which meant they could breathe air. These animals could live in water and on land.

Amazing! The lungfish is one of today’s fish that can live out of water. It can breathe air.

Which animal lives in water and on land?

An animal that can live in water and on land is called an amphibian. It means ‘double life’. The first amphibians appeared by 350 million years ago. Gradually, they spent more and more time on land.

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