Who made the first telescope?

Hans Lippershey, a Dutch man who made spectacles, probably made the first telescope in 1608. He noticed that if he put two lenses at different ends of a tube and looked through them, objects seemed to be nearer and clearer.

Is it true? Newton saw a rainbow in his telescope.

Yes. Isaac Newton noticed that the edges of objects seemed coloured when you looked through a telescope. That’s how he began to work out that clear white light is made up of many different colours.

How does a telescope work?

The lens (curved piece of glass) at the front end of a telescope gathers light to make an image of an object that is far away. The lens at the back magnifies the image so it can be seen more clearly.

Who put mirrors in a telescope?

Isaac Newton was the first person to make a mirror or reflecting telescope. He replaced the front lens with a dish-shaped mirror at the back. The mirror reflected the image on to a smaller mirror, and then into the eye.

Amazing! You can see Saturn’s rings through a telescope. Telescopes magnify images (make them bigger) so much that you can even make out Saturn’s faint rings – which are about 1.3 billion km away!

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