Who gazes at the stars?

We all enjoy looking up at the starry night sky, especially on a clear moonless night, away from bright city lights. Some people even star-gaze as a job. They are scientists called astronomers. Astronomy is the science of studying space and all the objects in it.

Amazing! You can see about 2,500 stars in the night sky! When the sky is clear, you can see that many different stars even without a telescope!

Is it true? You can see the Moon’s craters through binoculars.

Yes. Binoculars allow you to see the Moon’s surface so clearly that you can make out individual craters – from 400,000 km away!

Can you only see the Moon and stars at night?

The Moon and stars are easiest to spot, but even without a telescope you will see meteors (shooting stars) and the brighter planets, such as Venus, Jupiter or Mars. Venus shines white and is nicknamed the ‘evening star’. Jupiter looks greeny-blue and Mars glows red.

Can anyone be an astronomer?

Anyone can learn about stars as a hobby, but it takes years of study to do it as a job. You’ll need books of star charts and maps, so you can recognize what you see. Binoculars or a telescope will let you see further.

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