Is time the same everywhere?

No, time slows down when you’re travelling very quickly. Brainy boffin Albert Einstein predicted this odd effect in 1905 but we only proved it a few years ago by sending a super-precise atomic clock into orbit around the Earth.

Could time stand still?

Only if you travelled as fast as the speed of light – which most scientists agree is impossible! Some scientists think that time must stand still inside a black hole, but who’d want to find out?

Is it true? Einstein was the world’s best mathematician.

No. Although he was very clever, Albert Einstein often asked his wife to check over the trickier sums for him.  

Amazing! There might be ‘tunnels’ through space and time, which connect distant parts of the Universe. Scientists call these shortcuts wormholes. If light or even an object entered a wormhole, perhaps it would pass through incredibly quickly. It would be possible to travel billions of kilometres in an instant!

Is time travel possible?

Not as far as we know. If you could invent a machine which seemed to take you back or forwards in time, it would probably be taking you to different universes.

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