Many dogs, including African wild dogs, hunt in groups called packs. First they spread out, so they have a good view of the landscape, and then they close in on their prey. They keep in contact with barks and body language.

Do dogs use babysitters?

Yes! Jackals in particular live in very close-knit family groups. They share all the jobs. Sometimes a young female jackal is picked to stay at home looking after the cubs while all the other mothers go out hunting.

Amazing! Dogs can’t sweat! Unlike you, dogs don’t have sweat glands, so they can’t lose heat through their skin. They pant when they get hot, to let heat escape from their bodies.

Is it true? Dogs have five toes on each front paw.

Yes. But the African wild dog is the one exception. This fierce hunter is missing a toe on each front foot.

What do pups eat?

Newborn wild pups live off mother’s milk. Soon, their mum brings them meat. She chews it for them, until they’re a bit bigger. Finally at four months old, the pups are old enough to join in the hunt.

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