How well can snakes hear?

Snakes can’t hear at all. They have no outer ears for detecting sounds. Instead, they pick up vibrations in the ground through their bodies. Snake charmers make it look as if a snake is dancing to the sound of music. But the snake is actually following the movement of the snake charmer’s pipe with its eyes, ready to attack.

Is it true? Some geckos bark like dogs.

Yes. The barking gecko and the Tokay gecko both bark like dogs. They use their loud voices to attract mates or defend their territory.

Amazing! Crocodiles and alligators are very noisy. They cough, hiss and bellow to attract mates and keep in touch with their group. The American alligator roars like a lion. It can be heard about 150 metres away.

How do snakes smell with their tongues?

Snakes don’t smell things through their noses like we do. They pick up smell with their tongues, which they flick in and out. They can recognise different smells with the Jacobson’s organ in the roof of the mouth.

Which reptile can look in two ways at once?

Chameleons can move each of their large, bulging eyes on its own. This means they can look in two ways at once. When they’re hunting, one eye can look out for tasty insects to eat. The other can watch out for hungry enemies.

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