When is a plant not a plant?

When it’s a stick or leaf insect! Stick and leaf insects are the same colour and shape as the twigs and leaves on which they feed. During the day they sit very still. Predators leave them alone because they don’t realize that they are insects.

What frightens off enemies with its ‘eyes’?

The eyed hawkmoth raises its front wings to show bold markings which look like large eyes. This fools enemies into thinking the moth is a much bigger animal than it really is.

Amazing! Beetles and woodlice have armour covering so tough that it is difficult to crush. This protects them from their enemies. Some woodlice and millipedes roll into a ball like a hedgehog when they are threatened.

Is it true? Some spiders can change colour.

Yes. Crab spiders can change colour to match the flowers they hide in. Lots of insects use camouflage to hide from their enemies. Invisible against the petals, the crab spider can pounce on unsuspecting bees, flies and butterflies as they visit the flower.

What pretends to be dead?

Click beetles lie on their backs as if they were dead to fool their enemies. Then they suddenly spring up in the air, twist and land on their feet, and run away!

Picture Credit : Google