What is the difference between a centipede and a millipede?

Centipedes and millipedes have long, bendy bodies made up of segments. A millipede has two pairs of legs on each segment, but centipedes have only one pair on each segment. Millipedes are plant-eaters. Centipedes are meat-eaters, hunting at night for tiny creatures which they attack with powerful poisonous jaws.

What travels on one big foot?

Snails and slugs glide slowly along on one long muscular foot, leaving a trail of slime behind them. They prefer damp, dark places and are most active at night.

Is it true? It’s a bad thing to have worms in your garden.

No. Gardeners like worms. Earthworms feed on dead plants and soil. As they move through the earth they help mix the soil, which is good. Their burrows put air in the soil and help water to drain away.

Amazing! There are some giant creepy-crawlies. Giant worms in Australia can reach over two metres in length. Some centipedes and millipedes can reach 30 centimetres in length. And the largest land snail, the giant African land snail, is a monster compared with the common garden snail!

How do worms move?

Earthworms live in burrows in the ground. They have no legs, no feet and no skeleton. But their long soft bodies are perfectly shaped to move easily through the earth. They move by stretching and contracting their muscles.

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