How flowers and dew drops used as medicine?

There was a time when illness was a matter of philosophy – it was the result of a disagreement between the soul’s purpose and a person’s actions. The remedy? It turns out the secret lay in flower petals and dewdrops. Flower therapy was introduced by Bach who addressed emotional problems using different plants. His logic was that early morning sunlight hitting dewdrops on plants had a special power. His remedy involved collecting dew and diluting it in brandy to treat illnesses. But, it wasn’t easy collecting enough dewdrops for large-scale treatments. So Bach suspended or boiled flowers in spring water, blessed by good old sunlight, for use in his treatments.

The solutions may be recommended by a naturopath or by a trained Bach flower practitioner after an interview. Some vendors recommend dowsing to select a solution.

The best known solution product is the Rescue Remedy combination, which contains an equal amount each of rock rose, impatiens, clematis, star of Bethlehem and cherry plum remedies. Rescue Remedy is a trademark and other companies produce the same formula under other names, such as Five Flower Remedy. Rescue Cream contains the same remedies in a cream form, with the addition of crab apple.


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