How do Airconditioners cool?





An airconditioner draws air from the room, cools it and throws it back into the room. The cooling is achieved by the sudden expansion and evaporation of a compressed coolant in the cooling tubes of the machine over which air is blown into the room. The gaseous coolant is pumped to the compressor which subjects it to high pressure thereby heating it in the process. This compressed coolant is forced through capillary tubes into the condenser, where the gas gives off heat and changes into a liquid. The condenser fan disperses this heat to the outdoors.

The unit consists of a compressor, evaporating coils, a condenser, and fans. When the liquid coolant goes into the evaporator coils it evaporates by drawing heat from its surroundings. When air is blown over the evaporator coils by a fan, the air gets cooled and cool air enters the room.