Why is Louis Pasteur a scientific trailblazer?

Louis Pasteur, a French chemist and microbiologist made many important discoveries related to the immune system, vaccinations, chemistry, and the nature of diseases.

     Pasteur’s work helped show that microorganisms are the true cause of many diseases. Pasteur used his knowledge of germs to investigate how beverages such as wine and milk were spoiled by microbes such as bacteria.

      He found that heating up the liquids would kill most of the microbes, and allow the beverages to last longer, and be safer to drink. This process became known as pasteurization, and is still done on many foods such as milk, vinegar, wines, cheese, and juices. He studied the immune system and vaccination through his research, and helped produce the first vaccine for rabies, saving the life of a young boy in 1885.

     Pasteur is also responsible for many breakthroughs in the field of chemistry. He discovered the molecular basis for the asymmetry of certain crystals, and made important discoveries related to the nature of tartaric acid.

     Today, Louis Pasteur is known as one of the most important scientist in history.