What are the unusual properties of Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera, that cactus is now a rage among those making/using beauty products. You can buy the thick, gel-filled leaves of this plant is wayside push carts. Aloe get was used to treat sunburn and minor surface burns in ancient Egypt. Indians have traditionally used it for making kajal. A wick covered in aloe vera get is burnt with ghee and the soot coming out is captured to prepare kajal. The cool liquid makes an excellent moisturizer in winter. You mix it with coconut oil to make a massaging lotion.

When you use aloe see that your hands are clean. The gel should not be contaminated since you apply it on your face. If you buy a leaf, wash, use a sharp knife to slice off the outer layer, peel away the green portion of the leaves on one side, through to the gel underneath. Scoop the gel out with a spoon into a clean jar. The gel becomes stale, so take only the amount you need for instant use.


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