Why Planetary Health Diet is being recommended these days?

It is the diet recommended to improve not only in individual’s health but also that of the planet. EAT-Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems was formed to do a thorough scientific study of what constitutes a healthy diet. This is the first ever study of its kind. The Lancet is an old and prestigious medical journal headquartered in London.

The commission comprising 37 scientists from various fields like environment, agriculture, nutrition, health etc from across the world, has chalked out a diet that will ensure the health of the people while safeguarding the environment.

The diet consists of half a plate of fruits, vegetables and nuts. The rest of the plate contains mainly whole grains, plant proteins – beans, lentils, pulses – and unsaturated plant oils. It includes modest amounts of meat and dairy products, some added sugars and starchy vegetables. In other words, the report recommends that the consumption of red meat and sugar should be reduced by half and eating of fruits, vegetables, nuts and pulses should be doubled. The plan is also flexible allowing for the dietary needs of individuals and cultural traditions.

Experts opine that if the diet is followed, 11 million people can be saved from diseases and death along with natural resources. The commission also recommends reduction in food waste.

The report released in January this year has been given to policy makers in 40 cities across the world.

At present unhealthy food practices are rampant all over the world. They not only increase the rate of chronic diseases but cause large-scale environmental degradation.


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