Why was Joseph Priestley a remarkable scientist?

Joseph Priestly, an Englishman is noted for his groundbreaking contributions to experimental chemistry, electricity, and the chemistry of gases.

       Before him, scientists thought that the air on earth consisted of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Priestley brought 10 more gases to this light, such as nitrogen, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and oxygen.

       He isolated oxygen in its gaseous state, and conducted a series of experiments to distinguish each gas based on its properties. Priestley also made another discovery that has been highly appreciated by surgeons worldwide. He discovered nitrous oxide, which was also known as laughing gas. It was the first surgical an aesthetic to be used.

      Priestley’s best known achievement in the field of biology in 1772 was his work with photosynthesis. Priestley’s other interesting discoveries include the fact that graphite is a good electric conductor, and that gummy tree sap is a good eraser for pencil marks.

      Did you know that you can enjoy your favorite fizzy drink thanks to Joseph Priestley, for he was the one who invented soda water?