Healthy, safety and hygiene hints

  • Cover corners with shoulder pads

A great way to protect children who have just started walking is with a pair of old shoulder pads. Cut open the long straight side and slip the pad over a corner so the inner padding encases the edges. Adjust as needed and then tape the pad securely in place. Hiding the pads under an attractive cloth will look better and stop curious youngsters from disturbing them.

  • Colourful Band-Aids

When a child has fallen down and scraped his elbow or knee and you’re trying to console him, to no avail, try distracting him by having him decorate his own Band-Aid while you gently clean the wound with a dab of soapy water and antiseptic cream. While you work, he’ll be busy with a few plain Band-Aids and a rainbow of non-toxic, water-based markers, letting his imagination run wild. Then he can wear personalized Band-Aids as works of art.

  • Freeze stuffed toys for allergic children

Forestall sniffles in allergy-prone children by giving their stuffed toys the deep freeze for 3-5 hours, once a week. Slip the toy into a freezer bag, place it among the frozen peas and ice cubes and any dust mites will be killed.

  • Two tip-to-toe uses for fabric-softener sheets

If joggers smell like something has died inside them, stuff each shoe with a fabric-softener sheet every night to lessen the odour. And solve a flyaway hair problem by rubbing your child’s hair with a softener sheet to control static.

Credit: Reader’s Digest

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