• Eye can see clearly now

Carrots, celery, kale and parsley can all contribute to the trouble-free operation of your eyes. Either juices the vegetables to make an eye-boosting drink or puree to make a cold soup. The ideal proportions are 2 parts carrots, 2 parts kale, 1 part celery and 1 part parsley. For the best results, consume 2 cups (500ml) of juice or soup a day. Vary the mix by incorporating spinach, tomatoes and melons.

  • Tea for two

We’re talking about puffy eyes. Take two cool, wet tea bags, place them on tired or swollen eyes and lie down for 15-20 minutes as the tea soothes and refreshes. Green tea is ideal for these mini-compresses, but black and herbal teas work well, too. Some herbalists also claim that tea-bag compresses speed the healing of a black eye.

  • Don’t dry your eyes

Dry eyes are so common that over-the-counter remedies for this ailment abound. What are the causes? Everything from pollution and smoke to age. A good cure is to leave packaged remedies at the chemist’s and eat a banana instead. Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps to control the balance of sodium and the release of fluid in your cells.

  • Help lower blood pressure with bananas

Slice a banana into your breakfast cereal in the morning to get a potassium-laden boost to help counteract high blood pressure. Maintaining healthy blood pressure is important for eyes, too.

  • Let’s ‘ear it for mullein and garlic!

Paired with garlic, mullein (Verbascurn thapsus) makes soothing drops for an earache that you can keep on hand in the fridge. In a sterilized jar, combine 1 crushed clove garlic with 2 table-spoons dried or fresh mullein flower (crushed if fresh) and 1/2 cup (120ml) olive oil. Screw the lid on tightly and shake to blend. Store in a cool, dark place, shaking the jar daily. After two weeks, strain the oil into another jar and store it in the fridge. To treat an earache, bring the oil to room temperature or hold the jar under warm running water. With a sterile eyedropper, add 2-3 drops to the ear, and then gently massage the ear to help the oil to move through the ear canal. Caution: do not use eardrops if you suspect you may have a perforated eardrum.

  • Stop gum disease

If your gums are swollen and brushing your teeth has just made them bleed, it may be because the 10-second cleaning you’ve been giving them isn’t enough. Gum disease, or gingivitis, is the first sign of periodontal disease — the major reason adults lose their teeth. But don’t despair, in addition to brushing for longer than those 10 seconds, try this easy solution. Mix bicarbonate of soda with a little water and then massage it with your fingers along the gumline, then brush. You’ll clean, polish, neutralize acidic bacterial waste and deodorize, all in one go.

  • Homemade breath freshener

To make a mouthwash, pour 1 cup (250ml) water into a saucepan and add 1 tablespoon cardamom seeds and 1 tablespoon whole cloves. If you like, add a few mint leaves and sugar to improve the taste. Bring to the boil, remove from heat and let steep for 3-4 hours. Strain the solution into a bottle and gargle as needed.

  • Brown stains on teeth?

If your teeth are stained by coffee, tea, red wine or cigarettes, simply supplement whitening toothpaste with a dash of bicarbonate of soda and you’ll find that many of those stains will disappear. Load up your toothbrush with toothpaste, then dip it into the bicarb and brush.

  • Salt water rinse for toothaches

Swishing warm salt water around your mouth can relieve toothache in the short term. Use 2-3 teaspoons salt in 1 cup (250ml) warm water.